The AR180 is Binary Acoustic Technologies widest bandwidth ultrasonic
receiver. It is designed to receive bat calls in the 1KHz to
180KHz frequency range and it is capable of detecting the higher
frequency bats such as those founds in areas of Australia, Europe, and
Central/South America.
The AR180 is a professional quality ultrasonic receiver that is designed
for ultrasonic recording and acoustic analysis. It employs a
directional, wide bandwidth ultrasonic element along with ultrasonic to
digital conversion technology to produce a high quality,
16-bit, digitally
sampled acoustic stream that is injected directly into a laptop, lab
computer, or field recorder.
The AR180 is specifically designed for applications such as bat
recording and vocalization analysis where directivity and a wide
ultrasonic frequency range are desired. It employs low noise circuitry
to achieve high sensitivity along
with a large dynamic range. It is sensitive enough to detect the
faintest sound a human can hear (0 dB SPL) and it is capable of
detecting bats at distances up to several hundred feet.
Product Specification:
spec sheet (PDF 600K)